Being A Man

Today if you asked what it takes to be a man, on average the response you would get would be strength, power, money, and so on. This is because of what media and entertainers have portrayed manhood to be to the audience. The ‘man’ would be seen shooting people, or maybe showing the amount of jets or cars he owns, or even how strong and big he is that no one would fight him. The meaning of manhood varies from culture to culture, but today it is just assumed as what media shows it as. Just because you do not have anything that is shown on TV, does that mean you are not a man?

The points that Michael Pearl lays out on his article ‘What does it mean to be a Man?’ correspond to my view of a true man. Taking responsibility of your life and responsibility of your actions is what a true man means. A man fulfils his duties as a son, a father, a brother, a husband, and a friend. A man must stand up for his beliefs and principles.

A man has to face challenges day to day which he can’t back off, or depend on others to face them for him. As a man, you are responsible for what you do and what you must do. Dependence on others will only make you weak as a man. A very good example is the “decision maker” of the family. Taking care of the entire family is his responsibility, making the choices that are best for his family, and most important of all, not depending on his family to do his duty. Independence shows the confidence in a man to take challenges.

Not having a family does not mean you have no responsibilities. As a bachelor, a man should be successful in life. A secure job, aiming higher, and maturity should be some of the many characteristics of a man. Being powerful, rich, and muscular have no relation to what a real man should be. His thoughts, actions and principles determine if he is a man.

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